

Research of Integrated Flight/Propulsion Control for Large Civil Aircraft Based on LQG/LTR Control
摘要 为了提高大型客机飞行的安全性,使其能在大气紊流中平稳飞行,基于线性二次高斯/回路传输恢复(LQG/LTR)方法设计了大型客机飞/推综合控制器。LQG/LTR方法以分离原理为核心,通过设计一个卡尔曼滤波器和一个最优反馈控制器来实现系统输出精确跟踪参考输入,且满足性能指标J最小,常用来处理有随机噪声干扰情况下的状态反馈。以某大型客机为对象进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明,所设计的LQG/LTR大型客机飞/推综合控制器具有良好的控制效果,能够在大气紊流条件下提高飞行的安全性。 In order to make the large civil aircraft flight steadily under atmospheric turbulence circumstance, an integrated flight/propulsion controller is designed based on Linear Quadratic Guassian/Loop Transfer Recovery (LQG/LTR) control for large civil aircraft. The LQG/LTR method uses separate principle as the core, it realizes the system output tracking the reference input accurately through designing a kalman filter and an optimal feedback controller. At the same time, the designing can satisfy the requirement of the performance index J minimum. LQG/ LTR method usually used to deal with the feedback under random noise. Simulate by a certain large civil aircraft, and the results show that the integrated formance under atmospheric turbulence flight/propulsion control system based on LQG/LTR control has good per- circumstance, which can improve flight safety.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2013年第4期947-952,共6页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 线性二次高斯 回路传输恢复 飞行控制 推力控制 LQG/LTR flight control thrust control
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