:机械加工建模的主要目的之一是为了增强对机械加工性能的预测能力 ,便于有效地设计机械加工工艺 ,从而在生产率、质量和成本方面获得最佳效果。由于存在数量多而且种类各不相同的机械加工过程 ,涉及的各种变量之间存在强耦合关系 ,要建立一个与现实加工比较一致的金属切削加工模型也是十分困难的 ,即使在实验室建立了相对精确的模型 ,在推广应用时还需要大量数据对模型进行标定 ,实现起来非常困难。本文从传感器检测与人工智能结合的角度 。
The machining model is used to predict the capability of machining performance.Which can facilitate effectively planning of machining operations to achieve optimum productivity, quality and cost. There are many different machining operations and models require a tremendous amount of data which will never be possible to be obtain from public sources. This paper gives the method of sensor enhanced modeling with ANN as the reasonable solution.
Machinery & Electronics
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