:介绍板材 FMS下位机冲床单元人机接口的设计 ,操作界面简单明了 ,分类化显示 ,每个设备都有一个完整的画面 ;将系统状态 ,操作设备的状态和操作对象的状态作关联化显示 ,同时提高了系统的安全可靠性。人机接口采用 STD工控机 ,提高了系统配置的模块化和灵活性。
introduces the design for human interface of lower levels controller on the unit TPP of sheet metal FMS. the designed interface is simple and clearly With regard to the category of the displaying, each equipment has its screen; The system state, the equipment position and the sheet metal status are displayed on one screen, improving the system safety. The STD industrial controller is applied to the interface so that the module and flexibility of system are enhanced. This system has implemented and run successfully for years.
Machinery & Electronics