
我国城镇居民收入流动对长期收入不平等影响研究 被引量:3

The Impact of Income Mobility on Long-term Income Inequality in Urban China
摘要 收入流动是研究收入不平等问题的一个重要视角。笔者通过对我国城镇居民收入流动对长期收入不平等影响的分析发现:(1)在考虑到收入流动的情况下,城镇居民的长期收入不平等并没有各个单独年份的收入不平等那么严重;(2)收入流动对长期收入不平等的缓解程度取决于收入流动的自身变动情况,我国城镇居民收入流动在2000年后呈现整体下降态势,其对我国城镇居民长期收入不平等的缓解程度也出现下降。(3)导致阶层固化的收入流动不利于缓解长期收入不平等,这也解释了进入2000年后我国城镇居民收入流动对长期收入不平等缓解程度呈现明显下降。 Income mobility is an important angle to analyze income inequality.This article examined the impacts of income mobility affect the long-term inequality of Chinese urban residents,found that:(1) The long term income inequality of urban residents was lower than the signal years,and it was mainly due to the income mobility;(2) The degree of the income mobility which helped to equalize the long-term inequality is depended on its own tendency,so the role as the income equalizer decreased after 2000 as the income mobility is down;(3) The mobility which leads to solidified income status is harmful to equalize the long-term inequality,which also explains the reason that the role of income mobility as the income equalizer decreased after 2000.
作者 王晓
出处 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期53-58,共6页 Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics
基金 教育部2011年人文社科规划基金项目"中国城镇居民收入流动性问题研究"(11YJA790024) 山东省自然科学基金项目"山东省居民收入流动及其对长期收入不平等的影响"(ZR2011GL026)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 收入流动 长期收入不平等 福利指标 Income mobility Long-term income inequality Welfare index
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