
科技创新投入与经济增长的动态机制研究 被引量:23

Science and Technology Input and Economic Growth of the Innovation of Association Studies
摘要 科技创新是促进经济增长的源泉和转变经济增长方式的关键,实现长期持续发展要依靠科技进步和劳动力素质提高,要深入实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,把增强自主创新能力作为科学技术发展的战略基点和调整产业结构、转变增长方式的中心环节。本文从R&D经费支出和科技人员投入数(Num)两个方面出发,根据1995-2009年的统计数据,建立计量经济模型,利用数据重心法对经济计量模型进行参数估计,定性和定量分析相结合,深入分析科技创新投入对经济增长的作用。研究结果表明:R&D经费支出和科技人员投入数(Num)均与经济增长有正相关关系,且科技人员投入数(Num)对经济增长有着更为显著的促进作用。 Science technology innovation is important for the economy growth and it's growing means.The sustainable development is based on the science technology progress and labor force progress.We must carry out the strategy of developing our country through science and education.And we must pay the increasing innovation ability as the key of change economy increasing means.Therefore,it is important for the research of affection of science technology investment for economy growth.In this paper from the RD investment in both personnel and technology,based on the statistical data from 1995-2009,through the set up of econometric models,and using the data-barycentre method to estimate paratemer of the model.The use of non-dimensional data standardization data,and the concept of using the gray relational grade,qualitative and quantitative analysis of the combination of in-depth analysis of investment in technological innovation to economic growth.Concluded that: RD expenditure and investment in the number of scientific and technical personnel and economic growth are positively correlated,and the number of scientific and technical personnel input (Num) on economic growth has a more significant role in promoting.
作者 张积林
机构地区 福建工程学院
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2013年第3期35-39,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目(2010J05145) 福建省软科学项目(2012R0003)
关键词 科技投入 科技创新 技术经济 经济增长 Science and technology input Science and technology innovation Technical and economic The economic development
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