

Development of quality of life scale for compulsive position patients after intraocular tamponade
摘要 目的制定眼内填充术后强迫体位患者生活质量评定量表。方法查阅国内外文献,建立专家组,拟定眼内填充术后强迫体位患者生活质量初始量表。应用初始量表对138例眼内填充术后强迫体位患者和37例非眼内填充术后患者进行生活质量测评。对资料进行条目分析和筛选,再进行探索性因子分析,确定量表测试版为社会交往、日常生活能力、自我管理、情绪活动、进食质量和社会支持6个维度,含37条目。检验测试版量表的信度和效度。结果量表的Cron-bach’sα系数为0.929,分半信度为0.856;各条目与因子间的相关系数为0.391~0.886,各因子间的相关系数在0.068~0.642,各因子与总量表的相关系数在0.342~0.842,与SF-36的相关系数为0.806。结论制定的眼内填充术后强迫体位患者生活质量量表具有较高的信度和效度,能敏感反映强迫体位患者的生活质量。 Objective To develop a quantifiable scale to assess quality of life for compulsive position patients after in- traocular tamponade. Method Study a initial quality of life scale for compulsive position patients after intraocular tampon- ade after review relevant documents and consulting a professional group. Assess compulsive position patients after intraocu- lar tamponade and 37 cases of non--intraocular tamponade by initial scale on quality of life. Analyze and screen on items of information. Then analyze on exploratory factor. Confirm the beta version of scale has 6 dimensions of social communica- tion, activity of daily living, self--management, emotion, diet quality and social support, including 37 items. Test the relia- bility and validity of beta version. Result Cronbach's a coefficient of the scale is 0. 929. Split half reliability is 0. 856. Cor- relation coefficient between all items and factors is 0. 391-0. 886. Correlation coefficient between all factors is O. 0684 0. 642. Correlation coefficient between all factors and the scale is 0. 342 -0. 842. Related validity with SF--36 is 0. 806. Conclusion Quality of life scale for compulsive position patients after intraoeular tamponade has high reliability and validity, which can indicate patients' quality of life sensitively.
出处 《护理与康复》 2013年第2期105-109,共5页 Journal of Nursing and Rehabilitation
关键词 眼内填充术 强迫体位 生活质量 量表 信度 效度 Intraocular tamponade Compulsive position Quality of life Scale Reliability Validity
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