
青少年期首发抑郁患者前瞻性记忆对照分析 被引量:2

Compare Analysis of Prospective Memory of Adolescents with First Episode Major Depression
摘要 目的:探讨儿童青少年期首发抑郁患者基于时间前瞻记忆(Time-based Prospective Memory,TBPM)和基于事件前瞻记忆(Event-based Prospective Memory,EBPM)的特点。方法:对31例青少年期首次发作符合DSM-Ⅳ的抑郁障碍(MajorDepression Disorder,MDD)患者及22例年龄和智商匹配健康对照进行成套神经心理测试,测试内容包括TBPM和EBPM作业操作。结果:MDD组(3.06±1.12)TBPM测验成绩差于HC组(5.05±0.90),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而两组间EBPM测验成绩比较,无统计学意义。结论:青少年首发抑郁患者TBPM存在缺陷,而EBPM损害不明显。 Objective: To explore the characteristics of event-based and time-based prospective memory in the First Episode Major Depressio(FEMD) in Adolescents. Methods: A battery of neuropsyehologieal tests including event-based prospective memor(EBPM) and time- based prospective memory(TBPM) were conducted in 31 un-medicated FEMD patients and 22 age and IQ matched health controls(HC). Results: There were statistic differences between the FEMD group and the health controls in TBPM(P〈0.05), but not in EBTM(P〉0.05).Con-clusion: This study indicated that First Episode Major Depression in Children and Adolescents show deficit in specific domain of prospective memory.
出处 《医学与社会》 2013年第2期79-81,共3页 Medicine and Society
关键词 青少年 重性抑郁 前瞻记忆 Adolescent Major Depression Prospective Memory
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