韶钢炼钢厂4号方坯连铸机,由于轧制工艺及市场的需要,连铸浇注断面由150 mm ×150 mm改变为 160 mm × 160 mm,在不改变主要设备的情况下,只更改适合其断面的结晶器铜管、引锭头,选择合适的拉矫机电动机功率,能否适应生产的需要,经验算及生产的实践证明,是完全可行的.同时,“这次增大铸坯断面的改造是成功的,对公司及炼钢厂均取得良好的效益.
The cross-section of the billet made with Shaogang No. 4 billet caster was enlarged from 150 mm × 150mm to 160mm × 160mm, so as to meet the market demands and the requirements of rolling process. Some mod- ifications to the caster were therefore needed. Practice showed that the caster could perfom well by adding only a few changes to it, including altering the copper tubes and dummy bar head in the mould, and selecting a suitable motor power for the straightening machine, without replacing any of the major equipments. Both calculation and practice confirmed that the selected power was correct. The successful innovation of the billet caster has brought in an appre- ciable benefits to both the Chrporation and the Steel Works itself.
billet caster
straightening machine
electric motor power