主轴转子为汽车空调旋叶式压缩机的核心运动部件,其固有频率和振型直接影响压缩机的工作稳定性。通过对其振动理论分析、实验模态分析以及NX Nastran模态计算,确定了主轴转子的固有频率和振型。研究结果表明,转子系统的固有频率在3300Hz以上,远高于其工作频率,主轴转子的运转是可靠的。振动测试结果证明,压缩机外壳的振动总加速度远低于美国通用汽车公司"GMW标准"的规定上限,从而推断主轴转子工作过程中不会发生共振及由此产生的噪声和大的形变。分析结果也为主轴转子系统的故障诊断和振动控制提供了重要参考。
The main shaft rotor is the core component of the vane compressor in automotive air conditioning, and its natural frequency and mode shape have direct impacts on the motion stability of the compressor. By means of theoretical and experimental modal analysis, as well as NX Nastran modal computation, the natural frequency and mode shape of the main shaft rotor are obtained. The results show that the natural frequency of the rotor system is greater than 3300Hz, much higher than its working frequency, which indicates high reliability of the motion of the main shaft rotor. Vibration test results prove that the vibration acceleration of the compressor shell is much lower than the upper limit specified value of the GMW standards of the U.S. General Motors Corporation, which ensures that the resonance and the resulting noise and large deformation would not occur in its working process. The analytical results also provide an important reference for fault diagnosis and vibration control of the main shaft rotor system.
Journal of Refrigeration