
权利域中的权力制约:个人权利与国家权力关系的自由主义解读 被引量:2

The Power Restriction in the Right Domain:A Liberalism Interpretation of the Relationship Between Individual Rights and State Power
摘要 自由主义面对个人权利与国家权力共生中的权界冲突性于不同时期提出了不同主张并付诸于实践:传统自由主义显示了权利的傲慢与权力的卑微;现代新自由主义进行权力提升式纠偏,却陷入了国家干预主义的权力扩张困境;当代自由主义权利复归下的分歧犹在,但面对现实的折中已是必须。不断地自我否定是自由主义寻求个人权利与国家权力关系实践合理性的具体呈现,权利域中的权力制约是自由主义构建个人权利与国家权力关系的基点所在。实现权利与权力关系具体性与历史性的有机统一,才能促进社会和谐发展。 Liberalism advocate different opinion in different period facing jurisdiction conflict of symbiosis of individual right and State power and put into practice: traditional liberalism display right arrogance and power humble;modern new liberalism conduct rectification of power upgrade type,but getting into power expansion dilemma of national interventionism;contemporary liberalism of the rights reverted have differences,but compromise is necessary facing reality.Continuous self-denial is specific appearance that liberalism explore the rationality of practice on relationships between individual rights and State power,the power restriction in the right domain is fundamental that liberalism construct the relationship between individual rights and State power.The relationship between the realization of rights and powers of specific and historic organic unity can promote the harmonious development of society.
作者 张群梅
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第9期145-150,共6页
关键词 权利域 权力制约 自由主义 个人权利 国家权力 right domain power restriction liberalism individual right state power
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