
某部特种兵心理健康与个性、应对、状态-特质焦虑的相关性分析 被引量:9

The study on the relation of mental health to personality, coping styles and state -trait anxiety in armymen of a military special forces
摘要 目的探讨特种兵心理健康与状态-特质焦虑、个性、应对的相关性,为特种兵心理健康教育和心理素质训练提供科学依据。方法随机整群抽取460名某部特种兵,应用一般情况问卷、状态-特质焦虑问卷(STAI)、应对方式问卷、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)实施团体测试。结果特种兵SCL-90总分与中国军人常模无显著性差异,躯体化、强迫、焦虑、敌对、恐怖因子分显著高于中国军人常模(P<0.01或P<0.05);EPQ中EPQ-P、EPQ-N因子分显著低于国内军人常模,EPQ-L因子分显著高于常模(P<0.01);应对方式中解决问题、求助因子分显著高于军人常模(P<0.01),自责、幻想、退避、合理化因子分显著低于军人常模(P<0.01);状态焦虑、特质焦虑分均显著高于国内常模。相关分析显示,SCL-90总均分与EPQ因子分中EPQ-P、EPQ-N及应对方式中不成熟应对方式(自责、幻想、退避)和混合型应对方式(合理化)呈显著正相关(P<0.01);与EPQ因子分中EPQ-E、EPQ-L呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。回归分析显示,对特种兵SCL-90总分有显著性影响的因素由大到小依次为状态焦虑、EPQ-N、合理化、特质焦虑。4个变量的决定系数R2=0.746,对方程检验,F=51.52,P=0.00。结论特种兵总体心理健康状况与国内一般军人相当,心理健康受到个性、应对方式、状态-特质焦虑等中介变量的综合影响,其中保持适度可控的焦虑情绪是维持心理健康的重要因素。 Objective To investigate correlations of mental health to state-trait anxiety, personality and coping of the armymen of military special forces, so providing science basis for mental health education and mental quality training armymen of the special forces. Methods Investigation was conducted in 460 special forces armymen selected with stratified random cluster sampling method, by using general situation questionnaire, state- trait anxiety inventory, coping styles questionnaire, eysenck personality questionnaire(EPQ) and symptom check list- 90(SCL-90) for group testing. Results There was no significant differences between Chinese special forces soldiers on total score of SCL-90, but factor scores of the norm in special forces on somatization, obsession, anxiety, hostility, phobia were higher than the soldiers obviously (P〈0.01 ~ P〈0.05); the factor scores of special forces soldiers in EPQ-P, EPQ-N were obviously lower than the norm in soldiers; however EPQ-L was higher than the norm (P〈0.01); the factor scores of problem-solving and helping in coping style were significantly higher than norm in soldiers (P〈0.O1); while the self-blame, illusion, retreatment and rationalization were lower than the norm in soldiers (P〈0.01); state anxiety and trait anxiety scores were significantly higher than the national norm. The correlation analysis showed that in the SCL-90 total average score and EPQ scores of the EPQ-P, EPQ-N and coping styles in immature coping style (self-blame, fantasy, retreatment) and a mixed response (rationalization) was significantly positively related (P〈0.01); EPQ scores of the EPQ-E and EPQ-L showed a significant correlation (P〈 0.01). The regression analysis showed significant influence factors in order were the state anxiety of special forces the total score in SCL-90, the EPQ-N, rationalization, trait anxiety. In four variables, the coefficient of determination R2=0.746; inspection of equations showed, F=51.52, P=0.00. Conclusion In the overall mental health of soldiers of special forces general domestic state are fair; mental health is influenced by the combination of personality, respond way, state-trait anxiety, and other intermediary variables of which moderately controlled anxiety is an important factor in maintaining mental health.
机构地区 [
出处 《实用医药杂志》 2013年第2期144-147,共4页 Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
基金 成都军区优秀学科带头人培养基金(2008-2011)资助 成都军区十二五科研重点项目(B1209)
关键词 军人 心理健康 个性 应对方式 状态-特质焦虑 Armymen Soldiers Mental health Personality Coping style State-trait anxiety
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