
组织变革知识体系社会建构的认知鸿沟——基于本土中层管理者DPH模型的实证检验 被引量:24

The Cognitive Gap of Social Construction of Knowledge System in Organizational Change——An Empirical Test of DPH Model with Local Middle Managers as Samples
摘要 本文以"社会建构"理论为基础,构建了组织变革管理的DPH理论模型,以本土中层管理者为调查样本,针对某些成熟量表进行了设计、提炼和改造,实证检验了变革管理领域理论界和实业界针对具有一般性特质的"元"问题可能存在的认知鸿沟,并提出相应的对策和建议。研究发现,目前实业界人士对更贴近于突发式变革的微调变革和增量变革两种计划式模式更为青睐,因而如何将"组织惯例"、"习惯做法"等"稳定要素"作为变革的一部分并将其导向战略方向是理论界和实业界面临的共同课题;文章证明了在变革管理领域,理论界和实业界所存在的具体认知差异可能有哪些,并以台湾地区的逢甲大学为例,提出了跨越这种差异的新思路;本文研究得出的一个有益的结论是,在变革管理过程中,高层管理者不再是企业战略问题的唯一主体,中层管理者"战略性贡献"的发挥是变革成功与否的另一重要维度。 Based on the theory of 'social construction',this paper builds a DPH model.Taking local middle managers as samples,we design and refine some mature scales,and give an empirical test about some issues in organizational change field.We try to find the possible gap between academic scholars and practical managers,and eountermeasures are thus given accordingly.It was found that practical managers prefer fine-tuning changes and incremental changes, so how to take routines,practices and conventions as part of organizational clianges and guide them to organizational strategies is a common concern for both academic scholars and practical managers.The paper tries to dig out the cognitive gap between academic and practical world,and we try to give a new idea to bridge the gap by taking Feng Chia University as an example.The paper also demonstrates that top managers are not the only agents to push organizational changes,middles managers are playing a more and more important role and they even may play a strategic contribution.
作者 高静美 陈甫
出处 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期107-124,188,共18页 Journal of Management World
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD153) 国家自然科学基金项目(71172118) 辽宁省高等学校杰出青年学者成长计划(WJQ2012023 WJQ2012024)的阶段性研究成果
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