
心理护理干预对抑郁症患者认知功能的影响 被引量:4

Influence of psychological nursing intervention on cognitive function of depression patient
摘要 目的探讨心理护理干预对抑郁症患者认知功能的影响。方法将60例抑郁症患者随机分为两组,研究组29例,对照组31例,两组均口服舍曲林治疗并接受常规护理,研究组在此基础上给予心理护理干预,观察8周。于干预前及干预第8周末采用汉密顿抑郁量表、汉密顿焦虑量表和威斯康星卡片分类测验对两组进行测评分析。结果干预8周末两组汉密顿抑郁量表、汉密顿焦虑量表评分及威斯康星卡片分类测验错误数、持续错误数、非持续错误数评分较干预前有显著下降(P〈0.01),分类数评分较干预前有显著升高(P〈0.01);同期两组间比较,干预前除威斯康星卡片分类测验非持续错误数评分外,两组其他评分差异无显著性(P〉0.05),干预8周末研究组汉密顿抑郁量表评分显著低于对照组(P〈0.01),威斯康星卡片分类测验分类数评分显著高于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论对抑郁症患者在常规治疗的基础上进行心理护理干预,能更有效地改善其认知功能。 Objective To explore the influence of psychological nursing intervention (PNI) on cognition function of depression patient. Methods Sixty depression patients were randomly assigned to research (n=29) and control group (n=31), both groups took orally sertraline and received routine nursing, and on that basis research group was plus PNI for 8 weeks. Assessments were carried out with the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) before intervention and at the end of the 8th week. Results At the end of the 8th week, the HAMD and HAMA scores as well as errors, perseverative errors, non-perseverative errors of the WCST of both groups lowered more significantly (P〈0.01) and categories achieved increased (P〈0.01) compared with pretreatment; contemporaneous group comparisons showed no significant differences in scores except non- perseverative errors (P〉0.05), at the end of the 8th week the HAMD score was significantly lower (P〈2 0.01) and categories achieved were higher (P〈0.01) in research than in control group. Conclusion Psy- chological nursing intervention on the basis of routine treatment could effectively improve cognitive func- tion of depression patient.
出处 《临床心身疾病杂志》 CAS 2013年第1期78-80,共3页 Journal of Clinical Psychosomatic Diseases
基金 基金项目:广州市卫生局科研立项课题(编号201102A213195)
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