

The Design and Implementation of Control Flow Graph Generator Based on C Program
摘要 在对控制流图生成算法进行深入研究的基础上,基于分析器自动生成工具ANTLR,利用语法制导翻译技术,构造具有自动生成程序控制流图功能的语法分析器,并最后对实验生成的控制流图进行可视化输出。 We conduct research on the algorithms of generation of control flow graph, use the ANTLR which is a tool that can generate the Analyzer automatically, and then structure the grammar analyzer which can generate the control flow graph of program by syntax-directed translation, and finally output the generated control flow graph visually.
作者 任浩 张丽萍
出处 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2013年第4期8-11,共4页 Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance
关键词 控制流图 ANTLR工具 可视化 control flow graph ANTLR tool visualization
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