用高赖氨酸玉米双列杂交材料(亲本自交系数为15)就亲本自交系与 F_1分别进行了通径分析,尝试建立了11个性状的结构图。结果表明:①产量因子中发生早的性状对发生晚的性状,即穗行数对行粒数,穗行数对千粒重,行粒数对千粒重具有负向直接影响;②抽雄期、株高、穗位高对产量因子的决定作用各异,但总的决定作用不大;③赖氨酸含量、蛋白质含量不能由抽雄期、株高、穗位高决定;④赖氨酸产量主要由行粒数、千粒重、赖氨酸含量决定。讨论了性状结构通径分析中的若干问题。
Path analysis was employed to establish structure diagrams of 11 traits in parental lines and in F_1 hybrids for a high-lysine maize (Zea mays L.) diallel experiment with parental lines 15.The results were as follows.①A grain yield factor which was determined earlier physiologically had negative direct effects on those determined later,i.e.,the direct path coefficients of rows per ear to kernels per row,rows per ear to 1000 kernel weight,kernels per row to 10O0-kernel weight were all negative.②The effects of days to tasseling,plant height and ear height on grain yield factors were small.③Rows per ear,ker- nels per row and 1000-kernel-weight explained 90% of the total variation of grain yield,while rows per ear contributed only a little.④Lysine%,protein% were not determined by days to tasseling,plant height and ear height.⑤Ly sine yield was determined mainly by kernels per row,1000-kernel-weight and lysine% while grain yield contributed more to lysine yield than lysine%.Some points in path analysis of structure of traits were discussed.
structure of traits
path analysis
lysine yield
grain yield