Nearly a century,an orogenic movement has been concerned by domestic and foreign geologists,which occurred in the late Precambrian or Cambrian of Xingmeng-Jihei orogenesis zone and adjacent area in the Northeast China.Baikalian orogeny,Salair orogeny,Xingkai orogeny,and Pan-African orogeny,they have been put forward to describe or define the great orogeny.In this paper,synthesized regional existing data:occurring time limit of regional angular unconformity-molasse formation,measured data of orogenic granite,record of metamorphic thermal event,remaining traces of tectonic activity,defined the tectogenesis accords with the create meaning of Baikalian orogeny or Xingkai orogeny.Typical area of creating Xingkai orogeny,whose time limit has preferred confirmability and awareness.The most appropriate is Xingkai orogeny in these phrases.
Jilin Geology