
基于不对称高斯调制模型的超声回波参数估计 被引量:1

Parameters Estimation of Ultrasonic Echo Based on Asymmetric Gaussian Chirplet Model
摘要 该文将用于连续函数优化的蚁群算法成功应用到超声回波参数估计中,根据不对称高斯调制模型,给出了用于超声回波估计的蚁群算法的基本原理和参数估计步骤。通过数值仿真,对不同信噪比条件下超声回波参数进行了估计。仿真结果表明,该方法不依赖于初始值的选取,可在较大范围内搜索,得到全局最优解,且估计出的超声回波参数具有较高的精度。 In this investigation, one method that the parameter estimation of ultrasonic echo based on ant colony algorithm which is used for continuous function optimization was presented. According to asymmetrical Gaussian chirplet model, the basic principle and parameter estimation procedures of ant colony algorithm for parameters estimation application of ultrasonic echo are given in detail in this paper. The ultrasonic echo parameters under different signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) are estimated through the numerical simulation. The simulation results show that this method does not depend on the selection of the initial values and can search in a wider scope to obtain the globally optimal solutions, and has a higher precision.
作者 周方 张小凤
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期47-50,共4页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 陕西师范大学研究生创新基金资助项目(2012CXS035) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(GK201102026)
关键词 不对称高斯调制模型 蚁群算法 参数估计 超声信号处理 超声检测 asymmetric Gaussian ehirplet model ant colony algorithm parameters estimation ultrasonic signalprocessing ultrasonic detecting
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