目的通过建立Langendorff离体鼠心灌流模型,研究HTK液与Verapamil配伍对供心的保护效果。方法30只SD大鼠(200~400g/只),随机分为实验组与对照组,实验组予以HTK液与Verapamil(5mg/L)配伍、对照组予以单纯HTK液作为停搏液,建立标准的Langendorff离体心脏灌注模型,4℃低温下保存大鼠心脏6h,予以37℃K-H液复灌,心脏复跳,生理仪记录缺血前、复灌20min、40min、60min、80min时血流动力学标值,检测心脏复灌45min时冠脉流出液中心肌酶学指标,实验结束后各组留取样本以行常规病理切片及电镜切片观察微观结构变化。结果实验组LVSP平均恢复率高于对照组,对照组LVEDP持续上升,实验组LVEDP相对稳定;对照组心肌酶均明显高于实验组(P<0.05);病理切片显示对照组损伤较实验组明显。结论 HTK液联合Verapamil较单独使用HTK液作为心肌保护液,对心肌具有更明显的保护作用。
Objective By manufacturing Langendorff perfusion model of isolated rat heart to research myocardial protec- tion on HTK solution associating with Verapamil to donor heart. Methods 30 healthy SD male rats ( weight 200 ~400g/pcs) were divided randomly into experimental group and control group. Experimental gro.up use HTK solution associate with Verapmil as car- dioplegic solution, and control group use HTK solution as cardioplegic solution to make Langendorff perfusion model of isolated rat heart. Preservat isolated rat heart at 4~ for 6 hours, then refused with 37℃ K-H solution and the heart resuscitated. Hemodynam- ic indexes and myocardial enzyme datas were recorded by muhichannel physiologic recorder at initiation, and 20rain, 40min, 60min, 80min after resuscitation, took the coronary outflow liquid at the 45 min after reperfusion, finally took the samples separately for biopsy and electron microscopic scanning. Results Average LVSP in experinlental group is higher compare to control group; LVEDP rises eoutinuously in control group, while varies steady in experimental group;myocardial enzymes in control group is much higher tO experimental group( P 〈 0. 05 ) ; Biopsy damage in control group much more serious to expenrimental group. Conclusion Under the conditions of low temperature andischemia-reperfusion, there' s a better myocardial protection with using HTK-Verapamil solution as eardioplegic solution compare to HTK solution.
Sichuan Medical Journal