
广东省全球基金Mtb与HIV双重感染防治工作效果评价 被引量:4

The effect analysis of global fund Mtb/HIV control project in Guangdong province
摘要 目的对广东省全球基金Mtb与HIV双重感染防治项目实施效果进行评价,为制订相关防控措施提供依据。方法建立Mtb与HIV双重感染防治协调机制,对选定的2个项目点2011年1月至2012年6月新登记的结核病患者2326例开展HIV检测;对同期新发及随访的HIV感染者开展结核病筛查8769例次,从《中国全球基金结核病项目Mtb与HIV双重感染领域工作报表》和省级督导报告中收集项目活动的相关情况。结果项目共为96.8%(2252/2326)的结核病患者提供了HIV抗体检测,其中发现Mtb与HIV双重感染患者12例;为可随访HIV感染与AIDS患者提供了结核病筛查例次数仅完成14.4%(1267/8769),其中发现Mtb与HIV双重感染患者14例。共计25例Mtb与HIV双重感染患者纳入了抗结核治疗,5例纳入抗HIV治疗。结论广东省全球基金Mtb与HIV双重感染防治项目的实施促进了项目点的双重感染防控工作,为全省Mtb与HIV双重感染防治工作的开展提供了有益的参考和借鉴。 Objective To evaluate the effect of the Global Fund Mtb/HIV Control Project in Guangdong province in order to provide the basis for the development of relavant prevention and control measures.Methods We established the Mtb/HIV coordination mechanism and conducted HIV test for 2326 TB patients who registered in the 2 pilots from Jan 2011 to Jun 2012 and TB screening to HIV/AIDS patients for 8769 person-times.The data were collected from working report forms and supervision reports.Results During the implementation of Global Fund Mtb/HIV control project,96.8%(2252/2326)TB patients were tested for HIV status,by which 12 Mtb/HIV cases were detected.Only 14.4%(1267/8769) TB screening questionnaires for HIV/AIDS cases were completed,by which 14 Mtb/HIV cases were detected.A total of 25 Mtb/HIV cases received anti-tuberculosis treatment,5 received anti-retroviral therapy.Conclusion The implementation of global fund project promoted the Mtb/HIV work in project areas,and provide useful reference for the extension of Mtb/HIV control in Guangdong.
出处 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS 2013年第2期138-141,共4页 Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis
基金 "十二五"国家科技重大专项(2012ZX10004-903) 中国全球基金结核病项目(CHN-S10-G14-T)
关键词 结核 HIV感染 重叠感染 预防卫生服务 评价研究 广东省 Tuberculosis HIV infections Superinfection Preventive health services Evaluation studies Guangdong Province
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