
2011年河南不同人群碘营养状况 被引量:5

Iodine nutritional status of the vulnerable population in Henan province in 2011
摘要 目的调查2011年河南不同人群的碘营养状况。方法2011年3月至12月,在河南省8个市(选择其中水碘〈100μg/L的地区)的医院、妇幼保健院、计生部门的门诊收集新婚育龄妇女(363名)、孕妇(31874名)、哺乳期妇女(4893名)和0~2岁婴幼儿(6919名)的尿样共44049份,检测尿碘含量,分析比较不同人群的碘营养状况。结果新婚育龄妇女、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、0~2岁婴幼儿的尿碘中位数(MUI)分别是204.5、190.9、145.5、185.4μg/L(X2=874.16,P〈0.01);孕妇尿碘〈150μg/L、哺乳期妇女和0~2岁婴幼儿尿碘〈100μg/L的比例分别为33.0%(10519/31874)、24.9%(1218/4893)和12.4%(855/6919),而新婚育龄妇女〉300μg/L的比例高达33.6%(122/363)。孕妇妊娠早、中、晚期的MUI分别为186.7、193.8、182.5μg/L(X2=55.19,P〈0.01)。1岁以内母乳喂养、人工喂养、混合喂养的婴幼儿MUI分别为194.8、85.6、176.0μg/L(X2=179.25,P〈0.01)。结论2011年河南重点人群碘营养水平总体较好,但仍有相当比例的孕妇和哺乳期妇女的尿碘水平偏低;人工喂养的婴幼儿碘摄入量不足。 Objective To investigate the iodine nutritional status of the vulnerable population in Henan in 2011. Methods From March to December 2011,44 049 urinary samples of newly married women of childbearing age ( 363 ) , pregnant women ( 31 874 ) , lactating women ( 4893 ) and children under 2 years (6919) collected from hospitals, maternal and childcare hospitals and outpatient department of family planning organizations from 8 cities of Henan province( only including the areas where water iodine was less than 100 μg/L) were tested for urine iodine concentration. The iodine nutritional status of different groups was analyzed. Results The median of urinary iodine for newly married women, pregnant women, lactating women and children under 2 years was 204. 5,190. 9,145. 5 and 185.4 μg/L, respectively (X2 = 874. 16, P 〈0. 01 ). The proportion of urinary iodine below 150 μg/L of pregnant women and below 100 ixg/L of lactating women and children under 2 years was 33.0 % ( 10 519/31 874 ) , 24. 9 % ( 1218/4893 ) and 12. 4 % (855/6919). respectively. The proportion of urinary iodine above 300 μg/L of newly married women was 33.6% ( 122/363 ). The median of urinary iodine for pregnant women in the first, second and third trimester was 186. 7,193.8 and 182. 5 Ixg/L,respectively (X2 = 55. 19, P 〈 0. 01 ). The median of urinary iodine for the breast-feeding,formula-feeding and mixed-feeding infant under the age of 1 year was 194. 8,85.6 and 176. 0 p,g/L,respectively ( X2 = 179.25 ,P 〈 0. 01 ). Conclusion The overall iodine nutrient levels of the vulnerable population in Henan in 2011 were appropriate, but there were still some proportions of pregnant and lactating women with low iodine level. The iodine intake of the formula-feeding infants was not sufficient.
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期14-17,共4页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 2011年度中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金河南省地方病防治项目
关键词 尿 人群监测 Urine Iodine Population surveillance
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