在社会动因与个体动因矛盾运动的基础上 ,政策制度、文化心态和价值观念的反差促使军队专业技术人才作出逆向流动决策。为此 ,构筑我军专业技术人才的回流渠道也要以这三个层面作为切入点 ,着眼军地丰厚的人才资源 ,确立计划调配与市场调节相结合的回流模式 ,通过智力引进、制度创新、利益驱动消除反差 。
On the basis of contradicton between social and personal motives, the contrast in cultural psychology, policy and system, and social values leads to the talent counter current. Therefore, we should build the channel of talent return current at three aspects. With richful talented sources in the army and civilian society, we can establish a model which contains planned and marketing talent compounds. We should diminish the contrast by introducing intelligence, fostering new system and improving interests drives to promote the talent return current.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute