结构化理论是社会学中揭示个人行为与社会系统互动关系的重要理论之一。其中实践意识、结构性制约和权力资源配置的论述 ,对于我们进一步探寻教育者、受教育者、制度等思想政治工作变量间的内在联系 ,深入探讨如何增强思想政治工作有效性有着重要的启示作用。这表现在 :整合官兵的实践意识 ,为增强军队思想政治工作有效性提供坚实的思想基础 ;优化制度结构 ,为增强有效性提供科学的制度保障 ;合理运用权力资源 ,为增强有效性提供有力的权威支持。
Structural theory is one of the sociological theories revealing the interrelationship between individual behaviour and social system .In this theory,practical consciousness ,structural limitation and disposition of power resources ,they all bear very important inspiring functions for us to work out the problem of how to strengthen the effects of ideological and political work .It can be seen in the following : conforming the armymen's practical consciousness so as to provide sure thinking basis for ideological and political work in the army;perfecting the structure of systems so as to provide scientific ensuring of systems for strengthening the effects ;applying power resources reasonably so as to provide the authorized support for strengthening the effects of ideological and political work in the army.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute