
公共文化服务体系建设中基层文化站职能的偏离与回归——基于对W市街道文化站的调查 被引量:13

Functional Deviation and Regression of Grassroots Cultural Station in Construction of Public Cultural Service System ——Based on Investigation of Grassroots Cultural Station in W city
摘要 公共文化服务体系建设进入全新发展时期,国家政策主导下的基层公共文化活动开展却一直得不到应有重视。利用实地调研法和访谈法,对W市基层文化站开展情况进行深入考察。调查研究发现:公共文化服务体系建设对基层文化站的职能定位提出了新要求,然而在实际运作中,基层文化站的职能往往偏离公共文化服务的轨道。分析了偏离的主要原因:街道工作中文化政绩的需求;机构改革对街道文化站自身的压力;基层文化行政体制的越位与缺位等。提出了街道文化站回归到公共文化服务的轨道上来的对策:不仅要从街道自身来纠偏,更要从街道和社区两个层面合力推进。 The construction of public cultural service system has come into a new period ot develop-ment. However, the grassroots public cultural activities, predominated by the national policy, have never been given all the attention they deserve. Based on fieldwork and interview methods, this paper investi-gates the situation of grassroots cultural station in W-City. The result shows that the construction of public cultural service system puts forwad a new demand to the functional positioning of the grassroots cultural station. However,the functions of grassroots cultural station deviate from public cultural serv-ices. The main reasons for deviation include needs of sub-district political achievements, pressure on sub- district cultural station from institutional reform and offside and default of the grassroots cultural ad-ministrative system. Consequently, this paper proposes several countermeasures on return of sub-district cultural station to public cultural service:to correct the sub-district itself is not enough, the most impor-tant point is to combine the sub-district with community together.
作者 苏霞
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期118-124,共7页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目"加快公共文化服务体系建设研究"(10ZD&018) 教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"(NCET-10-0430) 教育部人文社会科学青年项目"农村基督教文化盛行的原因 影响及对策研究--基于农村文化治理的视角"(12YJC810037)
关键词 公共文化服务 基层文化站 公共文化活动 社区服务 public cultural service system grass-roots cultural station public cultural activities community services
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