
纤维钛酸钡与纳米钛酸铅和氧化锆的复合烧结及物相分析 被引量:2

Synthesis and Phase Analysis of Fibrous BaTiO_3 Doped with Superfine PbTiO_3 and ZrO_2 Powder
摘要 纤维状钛酸钡具有高度单轴定向性,纳米粉钛酸铅具有高比表面积、高活性。本文将纤维钛酸钡与纳米钛酸铅、氧化锆复合,利用纤维定向和纳米添隙及活性制备新型功能陶瓷通过XRD、SEM等分析方法对材料的物相组成和显微结构进行分析,结果表明纳米粉与纤维发生固溶,使主晶相钛酸钡纤维的晶面间距发生改变,但纤维的定向性仍然存在。 Fibrous BaTiO3 has high crystal-axis orientation,PbTiO3 nano-powder is high specific surface area and high activity. In this paper,fibrous BaTiO3 compounds with nanometer PbTiO3 and ZrO2 to prepare a new kind of functional ceramics by the orientation of fibers and the fill and the activity of nanometer-powder. The composition and microstructure of the materials are evaluated by means of XRD and SEM. It shows that fibrous BaTiO3 can form solid solution with nano- powder which changes the distance between lattices in BaTiO3 fibers main phase. But the orientation of the fibers still exists.
出处 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期400-401,共2页 Journal of Functional Materials
关键词 纤维钛酸钡 纳米钛酸铅 复合烧结 物相分析 fiber BaTiO_3 nano- powder distance between lattices orientation
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