

A Comparative Study of Politeness Phenomena in Chinese and English
摘要 礼貌是一种普遍的社会现象,不同国家、不同文化对其概念及内容有着不同的理解。在对英汉两种文化中礼貌现象的对比研究中,作者首先分别介绍英汉两种文化中的礼貌概念,然后分析这两种文化对礼貌概念理解的差异,对比分析了英汉礼貌语言的实现手段,如:称呼语、言语行为、句法结构等方面存在的差异,并探讨了这些差异形成的根本原因,进一步揭示了英汉礼貌差异表象特征下隐含的深刻文化根源。 Politeness is a universal phenomenon. Different culture has different understandings of its con- cept and content. In this comparative study on politeness in both Chinese culture and English culture, the researcher firstly introduces its concept in the two cultures respectively. Then she analyses the differences between the two kinds of perception and further compares the differences in the use of politeness language forms, such as addressing terms, speech acts, syntactic structures, etc. Finally, she studies the causes for such differences, which in turn reveals the profound root of its cultural differences.
作者 贾静
出处 《陇东学院学报》 2013年第1期82-85,共4页 Journal of Longdong University
关键词 礼貌现象 礼貌实现手段 语用研究 文化差异 politeness phenomenon politeness forms pragmatic study cultural differences
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