本文介绍了一种使用负温度系数热敏电阻器的温度测量仪。该仪器把具有指数特征的温度函数直接转换为线性输出 ,从原理上讲此种转换无转换误差 ;另外该仪器从设计上对传感器的不一致及电路元件的精度影响作了处理 ,实现了免调节、对电路器件精度无要求 ,从而解决了NTC传感器应用时所遇到的线性化及一致性问题。
This paper presents a thermometer using NTC thermistor. By means of a microprocessor it can convert temperature to digital output without any linearizing error.Since the design of the thermometer has managed to improve both the non conformity of sensors and the influence factors on the accuracy of circuit components,the converting circuit is free of adjustment and there is no need for highly accurate resistors and capacitors,thus it solves the problems of linearity and conformity when the NTC sensors are used.
Industrial Instrumentation & Automation