嵌入式ARM9系列处理器支持U-Boot从Nor FLASH或者Nand FLASH启动,也支持U-Boot直接下载到内存中调试运行,根据U-Boot在不同启动设备上的差异,添加Nand FLASH读写驱动和判别启动位置程序,使U-Boot支持自动识别启动。在基于S3C2440的硬件平台上验证通过,并正确引导了Linux内核。
Embedded ARM9 series processor supports U-Boot boot from both Nor FLASH and Nand FLASH, also supports U- Boot to download into memory for debugging. According to the differences that U-Boot boots from Nor FLASH and Nand FLASH, Nand FLASH driver and program that it can check code position is added, to make U-Boot supports both Nor FLASH and Nand FLASH to boot automatically.Finally U-Boot achieves the function that it boots from both Nor FLASH and Nand FLASH, and properly boots the Linux kernel in the hardware platform based in S3C2440 processor.
Electronic Design Engineering