
基于行为决策理论的公务员决策偏差问卷的编制 被引量:2

A Study on Development of the Decision-making Biases Scale for Civil Servants:Based on Behavioral Decision-making Theories
摘要 基于文献分析建构公务员决策偏差的理论模型包括信息收集、信息编辑与信息评估三个阶段的偏差,运用心理测量理论与技术,编制公务员决策偏差问卷并验证其信度与效度。将A版本(n=231)与B版本(n=227)在公务员中施测,结果表明,公务员决策偏差问卷包括信息收集偏差因子、信息编辑偏差因子与信息评估偏差因子;A、B版本的问卷均具有较高的内部一致性信度、复本信度、内容效度与结构效度;A、B两个版本的问卷为平行测验,是测评公务员决策偏差的有效工具。 The present study proposed a theoretical frame for civil servants'decision- making biases based on revie- wing relative behavioral decision - making theories. The theoretical frame consisted of biases in three stages which were information collecting, information editing and information evaluating. To develop civil servants'decision- making biases scale, and to confirm reliabilities and validities of the scale, the psychometric theories and tech- niques were employed. The civil servants were asked to complete the scales of A - version ( n = 231 ) and B - ver- sion ( n = 227 ). The data suggested that both the A - version and B - version were of internal consistency reliabili- ty, as well as contend validity and construct validity, and that A - version and B - version ( n = 205) were of alter- nate -form reliability. Therefore, the results of the present study revealed that the civil servants'decision- making biases scale consisted of three factors which were information collecting biases factor, information editing biases fac- tor and information evaluating biases factor, and that the two versions were parallel test which were effective tools to measure civil servants'decision -making biases.
作者 曹蓉 饶丛权
出处 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期72-77,共6页 Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金(10YJA630006) 国家社会科学基金项目(12BGL001) 西北大学研究生教育创新基金(08YJC01)
关键词 决策偏差 信度 效度 公务员 decision - making biases reliability validity civil servants
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