胡麻新品种陇亚12号是以晋亚8号为母本、尚义大桃为父本杂交选育而成。在2007—2008年全国胡麻区域试验中,2 a 26点(次)中有13点(次)增产,折合平均产量1 930.95 kg/hm2,居9个参试品种(系)第4位。该品种为油用型,生育期88~126 d,株高59.6 cm,千粒重7.18 g,籽粒含油率39.8%。抗旱、抗倒伏、中抗枯萎病,生长整齐一致,适宜在甘肃、内蒙、新疆、河北等胡麻主产区种植。
Longya 12 was a new flax variety bred by crossing with the parental combination of Jingya 8/Shangyidatao. The average yield of Longya 12 was 1 930.95 kg/hm2 which was conducted during the period 2007--2008 in 26 point (time)of flax regional test, ranking four of the nine tested varieties (lines) in 13 points (times) increase. The results showed that Longya 12 was oil type, drought resistance, lodging resistance, moderate resistant to fusarium wilt, and seedlings grew consistently and properly. The results also indicated that growth period, plant height, 1 000-grain weight, kernel oil percentage were 88 - 126 d, 59.6 cm, 7.18 g, 39.8%, respectively. It is suitable to plant in the main producing areas of flax cultivation of Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hebei.
Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology