A amount of research on the health effects of soy and isoflavones has been conducted during the past 20 years, which are remarkable comprehensive and more in-depth. Isoflavones first came to the attention of the scientific community in 1940 because of fertility problems ob- served in sheep grazing on a type of isoflavone-rich clover. In 1950, as a result of their estro- genic effects in rodents, isoflavones were studied as possible growth promoters, although shortly thereafter, it was shown that isoflavones could also function as antiestrogens. It was not until the 1990s, the role of soyfoods in disease prevention began to receive widespread attention because of research sponsored by the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Subsequently, isoflavones and soy- foods were being studied for their ability to alleviate hot flashes and inhibit bone loss in post- menopausal women. In 1995, soy protein was found to lower cholesterol, which attracted world- wide attention. The isoflavones began to be widely discussed as potential alternatives to conven- tional hormone therapy. In 2002, it was hypothesized that individuals possessing the intestinal bacteria capable of converting the soybean isoflavone daidzein into the isoflavan equol weremore likely to benefit from soy intake. Re- cently, in vitro and animal research into the safety of isoflavone exposure has been con- ducted.
Feed Industry