
天文数据库回顾与展望 被引量:5

Review and Prospect of the Astronomical Database
摘要 随着新一代巡天观测、时域观测等天文项目的推进,当前的天文数据量越来越大。面对天文领域日益增长的大数据集和大数据流,需要一些高效的数据存储和数据处理方法来对数据进行管理。天文数据库以及在其基础上提供的数据服务的出现部分解决了这样的问题。借助于计算机技术和信息技术的进步,一些更加专业的针对天文领域的数据发现、数据挖掘、数据交互等工作正在逐步标准化。基于虚拟天文台技术和天文信息学的新型天文数据服务正深入天文用户的日常科研生活中。首先简单回顾了天文数据库的历史,然后通过对几个典型天文数据库的举例分析,从天文数据库的类型、提供的服务等方面介绍了当前天文数据库的特点和最新进展,并对今后天文数据库的发展做了展望。 Modern astronomical research relies heavily on the scientific databases. In the past few decades, the advance of technology, especially that in the computer and information sciences, brought revolutionary change in astronomical database. Nowadays, the routine of astronomical research usually is as follows: logining to the astronomical database website, entering the key words to query, downloading astronomical data, and then analyzing the data set. The early prototype of astronomical database was established in 1970's. Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS) is the pioneer in the astronomical database field. Simbad service in CDS is the earliest scheme providing astronomers with a convenient method to query against astronomical objects. After late 1990's, the database has been widely used in various fields including astronomy. With the rapid development in information technology, nowadays, the astronomical data can be accessed by astronomers more easily. A great number of astronomical database/service websites were established for example: NED, MAST, ADS, SDSS, 2MASS. These databases provide ?x24 hours continuous data services to as- tronomers. Simple data searching and downloading are only ule mostwebsites. Besides data access, other services are also provided. Cross-identifying sources among multiple catalogues is a general method to investigate an object in astronomical re- search, which is especially important for the data fusion across multi-wavelength astronomy. Astronomical object name resolver service is another useful tools, which is usually combined to the search engine for giving a more convenient data searching service. Recent years, data mining and other data processing mechanism based on the astronomical databases become more and more popular. The databases can be used for a much broader variety of studies than it was possible in the past. With the coming of the large sky survey and time domain astronomy period, the scale of astronomical data grows exponentially. There are challenges in managing and mining these large and complex data sets. Powerful computing hardware, networks and data management system are required for more efficient data storage, processing, access, visualization and analysis. Virtual Observatory (VO) was proposed at the beginning of 21st century to meetthese astroinformatic challenges. Now there is an increasing number of astronomical database websites that are VO-compliant. In this data-intensive science era and under the frame work of VO, research in astroinformatics will supply more useful tools for astronomers.
出处 《天文学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期1-16,共16页 Progress In Astronomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(10820002,60920010,90912005) 科技部国家科技基础条件平台建设项目(BSDN2009-07) 北京市科技新星计划(2007A085)
关键词 天文数据库 数据检索 交叉证认 巡天观测 虚拟天文台 astronomical database data query cross-match sky survey Virtual Observa-tory
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