针对传统CAD设计系统设计效率低、三维效果差、重复设计计算、绘图及建档速度慢、设计经验的加入需要人工干预等问题,采用Visual Basic为开发工具,建立了起重机主梁的设计计算及校核程序,并以Microsoft Access为工程数据支撑库对模型参数进行存储与管理,通过调用SolidWorks提供的应用程序接口对PDM Works、Word、Excel进行二次开发,使用人机交互界面获取了主梁的设计参数,通过控制和访问SolidWorks中的对象,完成了主梁的模型驱动和工程图调优,从而实现了SolidWorks环境下主梁的快速设计。
The traditional CAD design system has many shortcomings, such as low design efficiency, bad three-dimensional effect, repeated design calculations and so on. This paper sets up the program of design computation and checking for the bridge crane main beam with the programming language of Visual Basic, saves and manages the parameters of the parametric model with the help of Microsoft Access database. The second development of PDMWorks, Word and Excel is finished by use of the application program interface provided by SolidWorks. Through acquiring the design parameters of main beam by human-computer interface, the system can complete the model-driven and engineering drawing optimization. As a result, it can finish the rapid design of the main beam under SolidWorks environment.
Mechanical Engineering & Automation