概述Web 2.0的基本含义和主要特征,并分析在Web 2.0下常见的网页作弊方法,博客作弊、点评作弊、微博作弊和SNS作弊等,提出反作弊的3种模型——信任传播模型、不信任传播模型和异常发现模型。最后提出一个基于人工手段和技术手段相结合的综合搜索引擎反作弊框架系统。
With the rise of Web 2.0 tide, user-centered information and consumption patterns become more and more popu- lar. Driven by the commercial interests, more and more new methods of page cheating have emerged. This paper analyzes the basic meaning and main features of web 2.0, also the common page cheating methods of web 2.0, such as micro blogging cheating, SNS cheating, et al, then puts forward three anti-cheat models--trust propagation model, no trust pwpagation model and anomaly detection model. Finally, we achieve a search engine anti-cheating framework combining artificial means and technical means.
Digital Communications and Networks