椒农间作作为岷江上游花椒种植的主要方式,其系统内不合理的结构导致了能流和物质流效益的下降,严重制约了系统的价值转化效益。因此,优化、筛选和评价岷江上游不同椒农间作模式,促进该区域农田生态系统的良性循环,进而提高当地农户的花椒经济收益显得尤为重要。以岷江上游茂县叠溪镇椒农间作模式为研究对象,通过入户访谈和田间调查相结合的方法,分析了该地区花椒Zanthoxylum bungeanum间作辣椒Capsicum annuum(M1)、花椒间作马铃薯Solanum tuberosum(M2)、花椒间作玉米Zea mays(M3)、花椒间作杂草(M4)及花椒间空地(M5)等5种模式的能流、物质流及价值流的数量特征。结果表明,①5种间作模式的投能结构相对简单,投能利用率较低,农业生产处于中低水平。此外,需特别调整人力投能分配的比例。②该区氮磷输入较多,但钾素整体处于亏缺状态,故应适时适当补充钾素,以保持较好的耕地土壤肥力。③间作高杆和对氮磷钾需求较高的农作物经济效益较低,建议在今后间作过程中尽量避免。④利用隶属函数法对系统的能流、物流及价值流进行了综合评价,其结果排序为M4(0.701)>M1(0.536)>M3(0.387)>M2(0.347)>M5(0.215)。以上表明,人为干扰是影响该区椒农间作系统结构与功能的重要因素,M1模式为较优模式,但仍需注重其生态系统稳定性的提高与维持。
Chinese prickly ash-crop intercropping is the main cultivation way in the upper reaches of the Minjiang river. In this system, irrational structure leads to decreases of energy and material flows, which seriously restricts the value effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize, screen and evaluate the different intercropping systems, as well as promote healthy farmland ecosystem and improve the economic benefit of local farmers. In this paper, energy, material and value flows in five Chinese prickly ash-crop intercropping systems, including Zanthoxylum bungeanum+Capsicum annuum (M1), Zanthoxylum bungeanum+Solanum tuberosum (M2), Zanthoxylum bungeanum + Zea mays (M3), Zanthoxylum bungeanum + weed (M4) and pure Zanthoxylum bungeanum system (M5), in Diexi of Maoxian county in the upper reaches of the Minjiang river were comparatively analyzed using the methods of visit and field investigation. The results were as follows: ①agricultural productions of five intercropping systems were in low level with relatively simple energy input structure and lower energy utilization efficiency. In addition, the proportion of energy input by human need to be well adjusted. ②The input quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus are relatively higher than potassium. Thus, optimized potassium input should be required to assure the continuous improvement of soil fertility. ③Try to avoid intercropping crops with high stalk and nutrients demand because of lower economic benefits. ④The result of comprehensive evaluation with the membership function was M4(0.701)〉M1(0.536)〉M3(0.387)〉M2(0.347)〉M5(0.215). We can concluded that human disturbance was an important factor affecting ecosystem structure and function. M1 system was better than others for obtaining higher energy, material and value flows effectiveness. However, improvement and maintenance of ecosystem stability was still to be fully considered in the future.
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
upper reaches of the Minjiang river
Chinese prickly ash-crop intercropping
energy flow
material flow
value flow