
国际生物经济战略透视 被引量:7

Scanning International Bioeconomy Strategies
摘要 生命科学与生物技术的发展推动了"生物经济"概念的形成。在对生物经济概念的缘起和演变进行系统梳理的基础上,对国际生物经济战略与政策动态进行了全景式扫描和综合分析,归纳出生物经济战略所共有的主流特征。这些特征包括:生物经济发展领域涵盖广,多方位促进经济绿色转型;以可持续为指归,形成迈向可持续未来的综合平台;将生物质作为驱动生物经济的基础资源,重视加强创新技术的研发。 The formation of the concept "bioeconomy" has been promoted by the rapid development of life sciences and bioteehnology. On the basis of systematic survey to the origin and evolution of the bioeconomy concept, several common mainstream features of the bioeconomy strategies have been induced by panoramic scanning and comprehensive analyses to international bioeconomy strategies and policies. These features are concluded as below: the bioeeonomy covers many areas such as agrieulture, medicine & healthcare, biorefinery, environmental protection, etc. , which all are confronted with green transformation; paying great attention to the sustainability of bioeconomy, which has been taken as a synthetic platform to a sustainable future; taking biomass as the underpinning resource that drives the bioeconomy, and strengthening R&D investment to innovative technologies for sustainable production and conversion of biomass.
出处 《中国生物工程杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期111-116,共6页 China Biotechnology
基金 中国科学院湖州应用技术研究与产业化中心资助课题"国际生物经济与农业相结合发展动态调研"(201201)资助项目
关键词 生物经济生物经济战略绿色转型 可持续 Bioeconomy Bioeconomy strategy Green transformation Sustainability
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