To ascertain the taxonomic status of Juniperus Linn. and Sabina Mill.,their interrelation, the Chemical components of essential oil in the leavesof Juniperus rigida Sieb. et Zucc., Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant. and Sabinasquamata (Buch-Hamilt. Ant. CV. Meyer) are studied by using acombinationof GC-MS-DS. Pollens from Juniperus rigida Sieb. et Zucc. anb Sabina chinensis (L.)Ant. are also examined by electronic scanning microscope. The result is thatevident differences in essential oil are shown when Sabina chinensis andSabina squamata are compared with Juniperus rigida. There are also differe-nces in pollen marphology shown between Juniperus rigida and Sabina chi-nensis. These results give support to the view that Sabina (Mill.) should beseparated from Juniperus(Linn.) to form a new independent genus. Acco-rding to the result of the essential oil analysis on these three Juniperus,the author also proposes that Sabina(Mill.) is more advanced than Junipe-rus (Linn.) on the evolutionary scale.
juniperus linn.
sabina mill.
essential oil analysis
pollen morphology