
自制公共卫生学院评价指标体系的可行性初探 被引量:1

Feasibility study on self-designed evaluation system for schools of public health in China
摘要 目的对自行研制的公共卫生学院评估体系的可行性与有效性进行初步检验,同时了解上海交通大学公共卫生学院的发展现况与定位。方法在自行研制的公共卫生学院评价指标体系中选取6项二级指标,对国内12所公共卫生学院(含上海交通大学公共卫生学院)进行2次对比排序,重点分析上海交通大学公共卫生学院与其他学院的差距。第一次:10所公共卫生学院就公开可获数据进行比较;第二次:5所公共卫生学院就各单位自行提供的2011年数据进行比较;采用SWOT分析法剖析上海交通大学公共卫生学院发展现况。结果上海交通大学公共卫生学院在两次排序中分别位列第7(共10所)和第3(共5所);优势指标有"高级人才引进"和"本科生当年就业率",而在"教授(含正、副)所占比例"以及"教师博士学位所占比例"上处于劣势。上海交通大学公共卫生学院受上级学院以及上海市政府的扶持力度较大,但同时也感受到各学院间的激烈竞争,机遇与威胁并存。结论自行研制的公共卫生学院评价指标体系具有一定的可行性与有效性,能够较真实地反映、衡量各公共卫生学院的实际发展水平。上海交通大学公共卫生学院与国内其他一些水平较高的公共卫生学院相比,尚有一定差距,应加强其薄弱环节,在努力提升综合水平的同时,资源整合发展特色学科。 Objective To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of self-designed indicator system for evaluation of schools of public health in China, and investigate the current development status of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health. Methods Six second-grade evaluation indicators were selected from the self-designed evaluation system for schools of public health in China, and two times of ranking were carried out among 12 domestic schools of public health including Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health. The differences between Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health and the other schools of public health were especially analysed. Comparison was made on the published data among 10 schools of public health for the first time of ranking, and comparison was made on the data of 2011 provided by each school among 5 schools of public health for the second time of ranking. The current development status of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health was analysed with SWOT method. Results Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health ranked seventh and third respectively in the first time and second time of ranking. Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health enjoyed priority in “introduction of advanced talents” and “employment rate of undergraduates”, but lagged behind in “percentage of professors and associate professors” and “percentage of faculties with doctor′s degree”. Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health gained more support from Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and Shanghai government, while also faced increasing competition with the other schools of public health. Conclusion The selfdesigned evaluation system for schools of public health in China has definite feasibility and effectiveness, which is able to reflect and assess the actual development level of schools of public health in China. Compared with the prominent domestic schools of public heath, there is room for improvement for Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health. Effective measures should be taken to strengthen the development of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health both comprehensively and specifically.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期220-224,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University:Medical Science
基金 上海市公共卫生重点学科建设项目(12GWZX0601)~~
关键词 公共卫生学院 评价指标 可行性 排序 I school of public health evaluating indicators feasibility rank
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