
从西方宏大叙事变迁看当代宏大叙事走向 被引量:10

The Trends of Contemporary Grand Narrative from the Perspective of Change of the Western One
摘要 宏大叙事是任何民族或文化表达自己的价值观和追求的一种基本方式。西方的宏大叙事经过长期演变在20世纪发生了重要变化,这首先是现实世界发生深刻变化的一种反映。从这一演变过程可以看出,今天的宏大叙事必须站在世界历史的高度,处理好民族国家或文化圈的利益与人类利益、延续与断裂、文化或宗教冲突、中心与非中心、总体研究与"碎化"研究、宏观社会发展理论与微观社会发展现实之间等一系列关系。 Grand narrative is one of the basic modes for any nation or culture to express its values and pursuits.The western grand narrative,through long-term evolvement,has undergone great change in the 20th century,which reflects the profound changes in the realistic world.Such evolution process which implies the grand narrative today must deal suitably with a series of relationships,such as those between the interests of national states or cultural circles and humankind interests,continuity and rupture,cultural conflicts,centrality and non-centrality,researches of totalities and 'fragmentations',and the macro-social development theories and the micro-social development facts,etc,at the height of world history.
作者 王加丰
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期4-14,157,共11页 World History
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