
土壤因子对库尔勒香梨缺铁失绿症发生的影响 被引量:26

Effects of Soil Factors on Iron-deficit Chlorosis of Kuerle Fragrant Pear(Pyrus Bretschneideri Rehd)
摘要 对香梨产区10个点的土壤样品进行理化特性分析,结合黄化病田间调查资料,研究土壤因子对库尔勒香梨缺铁失绿症发生的影响。结果表明,香梨在南疆钙质土壤上叶片失绿黄化是多种土壤因子交互作用的结果。土壤高pH(平均为8.49)和有效铁含量低(平均为12.2mg/kg)是诱发香梨叶片缺铁失绿的两大因素。上层土壤中浓度高达7mmol/L HCO3-对土壤铁的活化与运输有着潜在的影响。土壤中较低的有效铁含量可能与较高的锰、锌、铜含量之间的生理拮抗关系也是导致香梨黄化失绿的原因之一。水溶性钙在土壤表层有累积现象。 In South Xinjiang calcareous soil,serious iron-deficiency chlorosis frequently occurred in Kuerle Fragrant Pear.The characteristics of soil from 10 sites were investigated to study the effects of soil factors on the iron deficiency chlorosis.The results indicated that the leaf chlorosis of Fragrant Pear in calcareous soils resulted from interaction of several soil factors such as higher pH,limited available Fe concentration,higher HCO3-and so on.The higher pH(average 8.49) and lower available Fe(average 12.2 mg/kg) were main factors inducing chlorosis.It was the higher HCO3-concentration by 7 mmol/L that potentially affected on the activation and mobilization of iron of the upper layer soil.The antagonistic relationship between available Fe and higher available Mn,Zn and Cu also probably increased iron deficiency chlorosis.The water soluble calcium accumulated in the upper layer soil.
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期97-103,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31160382) "西部之光"访问学者资助项目(20120108) 国家林业公益性行业项目(201004085) 新疆农业大学果树学自治区重点学科建设项目(201007)
关键词 土壤因子 缺铁失绿症 库尔勒香梨 钙质土壤 Soil factor Iron-deficiency chlorosis Kuerle Fragrant Pear Calcareous soil
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