
从矛盾的翻译到矛盾的立场:女权主义术语在近代中国的翻译与流转 被引量:14

From the Ambiguous Translation to the Ambivalence:The Translation and Transformation of Feminism Terminology in Modern China
摘要 本文通过对近代以来多本英汉、汉英字典、辞典,《妇女杂志》、《人民日报》等报纸杂志,以及一些有代表性的译作、论著的梳理,试图厘清女权主义术语在近代中国的翻译与流转进程。以"女性"和"女性主义"等词汇为例,揭示现代汉语中类似词汇,很多是在19世纪以后,在汉语、现代日语以及欧洲语言之间的互动中建构起来。对这一建构过程展开历史的分析,希望对当下的中国女权主义和女权主义者摆脱"矛盾立场"有所助益。 The theories and categories of Feminism and gender have been involved in the discourse of Chinese academic field rapidly.However,it is seldom verified that when and how these concepts and categories were translated into China,or their transformation in the spreading process in the last more than one hundred years.Much less view the transformation as 'an international process' bound with imperialism,capitalism and socialism revolution.When we are interested in the history of Chinese Feminism and Feminist,we are prone to overlook the background as a global discourse.Also we do not regard the history of acceptation,rejection or sinicization of these discourses as 'a political history of translation' This paper focuses on some English-Chinese dictionaries,journals,newspaper and some typical translation articles and books from 1900,trying to hold clues of the translation and transformation of some terminologies including feminism,female,femininity and masculinity in modern China.In investigating the emergency and spreading of these terminologies,this paper hope to uncover some discourses that have been regarded as native language in modern Chinese which were in fact constructed by Chinese,modern Japanese and European language after the 19th Century.
作者 陈雁
机构地区 复旦大学历史系
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期105-114,158,共10页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 2007年度国家社科基金资助项目"性别与战争:以抗日战争时期的上海为中心的研究"(项目批准号:07BZS023)的阶段成果
关键词 女权主义 术语 翻译 流转 feminism terminology translation transformation
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