
人正常离体子宫薄层数据采集的方法及意义 被引量:3

The method and significance of normal in-vitro uterus thin-layer data collection
摘要 目的探讨人正常离体子宫薄层数据采集的方法及意义。方法将2例人正常离体子宫分别行双侧子宫动脉及双侧子宫静脉插管,通过精确的压力控制装置,分别注入适量明胶氧化铅灌注液,借助专用模具以及订制机器铣床实现低温冷冻包埋、连续等间距铣削、采集数据。结果共获得分辨率为5184×3456像素的薄层数据510张(每张图片前为经动脉灌注子宫,后为经静脉灌注子宫),构建成总数据量为13.4 G的RAW格式原始数据集、总数据量为51.0G的解压缩TIF格式数据集和总数据量为7.40 G的JPG格式数据集各一套,并同时获取了其CT及MRI数据集。结论人正常离体子宫薄层数据集图像清晰,色彩分明,各组织界限、动脉血供及静脉回流清晰,为人离体子宫的精细解剖学研究提供了数据来源。 Objective To explore the method and significance of normal in-vitro uterus thin layer data collection. Methods Two sets of normal human in-vitro uterus were intubated from bilateral uterine artery and uterine vein. A proper amount of lead oxide gelatin perfusion fluid was injected into the vessels respectively under the control of precise pressure control device. After low frozen-embedded and continuous equally spaced milling which were completed with special tooling and custom milling machine, the successive sections were photographed with a Cannon EOS 550D camera, and then finished the data collection. Results A total number of 510 thin-layer pictures ( transarterial perfusion picture anteriorly, transvenous infusion picture posteriorly) with a resolution of 5 184 × 3 456 pixels were obtained to build a 13.4 G RAW format original data set, a 51.0 G unpacked TIF format data set and a 7. 40 G JPG format data set. Meanwhile, we also acquired CT and MRI data sets. Conclusion the thin-layer normal in-vitro human uterus dataset has accurate color rendition, shows a clear view of organization boundary, arterial supply and venous drainage which provides data source for the fine anatomy of in-vitro uterus.
出处 《妇产与遗传(电子版)》 2011年第1期21-24,共4页 Obstetrics-Gynecology and Genetics (Electronic Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(30970762) 广东省自然科学基金(10151051501000102) (S2011010003830)
关键词 子宫 数据压缩 冷冻切片 Uterus Data Compression Frozen Sections
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