Objective To investigate the number of five indicators among suspicious diagnosed cases in our hospital, such as pro- portion, hospitalized days, average hospitalized expenses, diseases distribution and consultations, then provide scientific accordance to the quality control and management of suspicious diagnosed cases. Methods One method of the susupicious diagnosed searching tech- nology system called "Expand Code" was applied to search the cases of patients left our hospital from June, 2011 to August, 2012, then conducted a retrospective statistical analysis of these cases at the same time. Retmlts 75 cases of susupicious diagnosed patients were searched out in this period, which took a percent of 0.44% in corresponding time. The average days stay in hospital was 3.6 days, average hospitalized expense was 3100.4 yuan, the consultation rate within three days was 0, four days or more was 68.97 %, four to six days was 51.72%, within own department was 26.67%, 4.67% among departments, within the whole hospital was 1. 33%. Among which the consultation rate within three days was 0, as well as the rate of consultation among departments and within whole hospital, and the malignancy tumor was ranked the first place in this aspect. Conclusion The diagnosis level of suspicious diag- nosed patients was within reasonable range, the average time of stay was relatively short and no big deal medical treatment behaviors were found in this hospital. But the system of consultation is still necessary to improve, and the range is needed to enlarge. The major of tumor is a weak department in this hospital, so we should pay more attention to the development of this discipline and the allocation of talents.
Chinese Medical Record
Suspicious diagnosis
Related factors