
3种负载Cu_2O的载体对印染废水处理的比较 被引量:1

Treatment Comparison of Dyeing Wastewater by Three Supporter Loaded Cu_2O
摘要 以凹凸棒石、活性炭和超微孔聚氨酯为载体,用液相合成法制备3种负载Cu2O的载体,并以吸附降解罗丹明B的效果,探讨其光催化氧化性能。试验结果表明,当模拟罗丹明B染料废水的初始质量浓度为200mg.L-1,反应时间为50min,该3种负载Cu2O的载体投加量分别为11.0g.L-1,9.0g.L-1和5.0g.L-1,对模拟染料废水中罗丹明B的去除率分别达到81.64%、87.21%和78.46%。5次重复使用该3种催化剂后对罗丹明B的去除率仍较好。 Attapulgite, activated carbon and the supermicro porous polyurethane as the supporter, the three supporter load of Cu20 were prepared by liquid phase synthesis, and their photocatalytic oxidation effect was investigated by the adsorption and degradation of Rhodamine B. The results showed that when the simulated Rhodamine B dye wastewater initial concentration was 200mg/L, reaction time was 50 rain, the loaded Cu2O dosage of three supporter was 11.0g/L, 9.0g/L and 5.0g/L, respectively, the removal rate of rhodamine B in the simulated wastewater were 81.64%, 87.21% and 78.46%, respectively. The removal rate of Rhodamine B was still better after five repeated use of the three catalysts.
作者 梁伟夏
出处 《化工技术与开发》 CAS 2013年第2期42-44,共3页 Technology & Development of Chemical Industry
基金 广西教育厅科研项目(200708MS117)
关键词 凹凸棒石 活性炭 超微孔聚氨酯 CU2O 罗丹明B 光催化 attapulgite activated carbon the supermicro porous polyurethane Cu20 Rhodamine B photocatalysis
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