SML(Smart Message Language)是近几年由国际上几家知名电力公司共同制定的通讯协议,并即将成为国际标准体系IEC62056的新成员。它通过SML文件的方式实现通讯,更加的灵活简便,并成功运用于智能电网系统架构AM(IAdvanced Metering Infrastructure)之中,为智能电网提供了一套新的解决方案。
SML (Smart Message Language)is a communication protocol which is established by a few international well-known metering company in recent years, and is about to become a new member of an international standard system of IEC62056.It is more flexible and simple to realize communication via the SML file, and has been used in AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure),to provide a new solution for smart grid system.
Science-Technology Enterprise