目的探讨再程三维适形放射治疗(3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy,3D-CRT)联合周剂量奈达铂化疗治疗局部复发鼻咽癌患者的临床疗效。方法 47例经首程根治性放射治疗后局部复发的鼻咽癌患者,全部采用三维适形放射治疗,处方剂量:DT 56~66 Gy,28~33次,6~7周;同时采用奈达铂进行化疗:25 mg/m^2,静脉滴注,每周1次,共4~6次。结果全部病例均随访至2011年12月底。近期有效率为87.2%(41/47);1、2年生存率分别为91.5%(43/47)、78.7%(37/47);1、2年局部控制率分别为83.0%(39/47)、66.0%(31/47)。放化疗的毒副反应均能耐受。结论再程三维适形放疗联合周剂量奈达铂化疗治疗局部复发鼻咽癌能够取得较为满意的近期疗效及1、2年生存率。
Objective To explore the clinical outcomes of 3-dimensional conformal re-irradiation therapy combined with once-a-week's Nedaplatin chemical therapy tor local recurrent nasopharyngeal earcinoma. Method 47 local recurrent cases of nasophal)rngeal carcinoma who were treated with initial radiotherapy were administered with 3-dimensional eonfor- real radiotherapy totally, prescribed by: DT 56 -66 Gy/28 -33 times/6-7 weeks, meanwhile, Nedaplatin chemical ther- apy was given by 25 mg/m2 , ivgtt per week, up to 4 - 6 times totally. Result All cases were followed up to December 2011. The recent efficiency was 87.2% (41/47), the overall l- and 2-year survival rats was 91.5% (43/47) and 78.7% (39/47), respectively, and the local 1- and 2-year control rate was 83.0% (39/47) and 68. 1% (32/47) , respectively, and the radiation and drug side effects can be well-tolerated. Conclusion It is observed that the 3-dimensional eonformal re-irradiation combined with once-a-week's Nedaplatin chemical therapy is of good recent outcome for the local recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Oncology Progress
recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma
re-irradiation therapy