
生态文明的伦理精神——一种实质伦理的探讨 被引量:2

On Ethical Spirits of Ecological Civilization
摘要 任何一种文明都蕴含着特定的伦理精神。以人与自然的和谐为价值诉求的生态文明的伦理精神是尊重自然、环境责任、生态公正等。尊重自然的伦理精神是人类从内心对大自然的认可、关爱和善待的意识和观念,意味着人类要认可自然、关爱自然、善待生命;环境责任的伦理精神是人类要为自己对大自然采取的各种行动所造成的后果负责的意识和观念,是个体责任与整体责任、"近距离"责任与"远距离"责任、过错责任与无过错责任的统一;生态公正的伦理精神是人与人之间在环境权益与环境义务上的合理分配和恰切负担的意识和观念,包括保护环境人权、代际公正和代内公正等内容。 Any kind of civilization contains with harmony between man and nature as respect for nature, environmental responsi cal spirit of respect for nature is the sense specific ethical spirits. Ecological civilization, the value pursuit, contains ethical spirits like bility, ecological justice and so on. The ethi- and concept of genuine recognition and rever- ence for nature, which means man should care about nature and treat life kindly~ ethical spirit of environmental responsibility is the sense and concept that man sh take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, and it dividual responsibility and overall responsibility, near responsi sibility, justice is fault responsibility and the sense and concept no-fault responsibil that man, living in reasonably fulfill their environmental obligations to themselves and share corresponding environmental protection of environmental human rights, tional justice, etc. refers to the unity o the ould f in- bility and distant respon- the ethical ecological community spirit of ecological community, should members including onsibilities, and it consists of intergenerational justice and intra-genera
作者 龚天平
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期71-76,共6页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目"经济伦理实现机制研究"(NCET-10-0824)
关键词 生态文明 伦理精神 尊重自然 环境责任 生态公正 ecological civilization; ethical spirit respect ;or nature environmental responsibility; ecological justice
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