
两种典型安全带布局对乘员的保护比较 被引量:2

Comparison between Two Typical Seat Occupant Protection Systems
摘要 为了探究飞机坠毁过程中,安全带座椅系统对乘员的保护情况,利用DYTRAN软件结合ATB数字假人进行了有限元仿真计算。分别针对装备斜三点式和四点式安全带的两种典型的座椅系统,参照FAA对航空用座椅实验的要求,设置了两组冲击载荷。通过对比其碰撞动态响应,并评估可能的乘员损伤情况,总结了两种安全带形式各自的优缺点。 In order to exploit the effectiveness of safety belt in occupant protection, the finite element model of the seat occupant protection systems were build by applying Dytran and ATB codes. Two typical sets of safety belt are evaluated under the given impact condition in compliance with the FAA requirements. Comparisons are drawn in accordance with occupant dynamic response and injury criteria, and characteristics of both sets are concluded respectively.
作者 贾栋 邱信明
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2013年第6期1541-1547,共7页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(10972111)资助
关键词 乘员安全 座椅系统 ATB 动态响应 假人 occupant safety seat sets ATB dynamic response dummy
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