
几种废水特性鉴定试验方法的比较研究 被引量:11

A Comparative Study on Different Methods for Wastewater Characterization
摘要 文章介绍了以城市污水厂初沉池出水为对象,对文献报道的几种废水特性鉴定方法进 行试验比较研究的结果,提出:批量OUR测定是一种简便易行的废水特性鉴定方法;混凝一过滤 法只能作为一种对易降解溶解底物Ss粗略估值的方法;而过滤一批量曝气法不宜作为废水特性 鉴定的推荐方法。 In this paper, the results of experimental research on different methods for city wastewater characterization are presented and compared. It is concluded that the batch OUR test is an appropriate and easy method for characterization of wastewater COD fractions; the coagulation/filtration method can be used only for rough estimation of concentration of readily biodegradable soluble COD in city wastewater. However, the filtration/batch aeration method may not be recommended for this purpose.
出处 《苏州城建环保学院学报》 2000年第3期9-17,共9页 Journal of Suzhou Institute of Urban Construction and Environmental Protection
关键词 废水特性鉴定 活性污泥法 过程模型化 污水厂 characterization of wastewater activated sludge process process modeling
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