
威胁性信息检测的脑机制 被引量:4

Brain Mechanisms of Threatening Information Detection
摘要 快速而准确地检测威胁性信息是进化过程中形成的一种重要能力,是有效应对危险的前提条件,对有机体的生存具有重要价值。威胁性信息的检测由不同的神经通路合作完成。在视觉通道中,皮层通路的精确检测和皮层下通路的快速检测在杏仁核得到整合。杏仁核能接受多感觉通道的信息输入,并接受额叶的调节,是威胁性信息加工中连通自上而下加工和自下而上加工的枢纽。将来的研究需要进一步关注杏仁核的功能以及不同的神经通路如何合作完成威胁性信息的检测。 Detecting threatening information rapidly and accurately is a kind of ability endowed by evolution. This ability, as the prerequisite of effectively coping with danger, is of vital importance to the survival of organisms. Precious studies have demonstrated the cooperation of multiple sensory modalities in threat detection. Specifically, the amygdala served as a hub connecting top-down and bottom-up processes, because of dense reciprocal connections between the amygdala and widespread regions, including perceptual pathways as well as prefrontal regions. Considerable studies confirmed its role in integrating information from cortical and subcortical visual pathways. The functions of the amygdala and various neural networks and their cooperation in threat detection still need further investigation.
作者 杜蕾
机构地区 德州学院教育系
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期243-251,共9页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 威胁性信息 杏仁核 皮层通路 皮层下通路 threatening information amygdala cortical pathway subcortical pathway
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