Objective To find out the current situation and problems associated with human resources and instruments of occupational hygiene monitoring and evaluation agencies in Foshan, set scientific foundations to strengthen the construction of occupational health service. Methods Data about human resources and instruments collected by questionnaire were analyzed with descriptive statistical method in this study. Results In the occupational hygiene monitoring and evaluation agen- cies, 61.5% staff had undergraduate diploma, 44. 2% of them had primary professional title and 26. 9% of them had inter- mediate professional title. The proportion of staff working for occupational health assessment was 55. 8%. The proportion of staff who were hygienic monitoring physicians was 32. 7%. Most of them majored in preventive medicine. In addition to UV and vibration analyzer, the main equipments of the agencies were well - found. Conclusion In order to improve the service ability of human resources of occupational hygiene monitoring and evaluation agencies, it is essential for the service institutions to strengthen talent introduction and cultivation.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Occupational health service
Human resource
Current situation